An Introduction to the Blog

 Dear reader, 

I am a Global Nationalist. I support nationalism, not just for my country, India, but for all.

  In this blog I will write mainly about nationalism in India but also other countries. I am for independence, unity and loyalty. I am against imperialism, separatism and treason. Throughout the world there is a conflict raging. This is a conflict between globalism and nationalism. 





Globalists want to subvert and destroy the independence of all nations and bring them all under one world government. Nationalists want to strengthen and preserve the independence of their respective nations. 

Not all nationalists are aware of this global conflict. Many of them have not heard of the term "globalism". Many other nationalists are aware of globalism. I am one such nationalist. But whether they are aware of it or not, nationalists all over the world are in a struggle against globalists

. At the moment nationalists are primarily focused on their own nations. There is a lack of coordination between nationalists of different countries. However globalists are primarily focused on their global ambitions. There is strong coordination between globalists of different countries. This imbalance is a vulnerability of nationalists. 

It makes it easy for globalists to defeat them by isolating them within their nation-states. This is why I am writing this blog. I want to use this blog as a platform to support nationalism all over the world. If you are a nationalist of any country feel free to read this blog and please subscribe to it so you can be updated when I make new posts. 

There will be a schedule that the posts on my blog will follow. I will post 5 times in a month.

 The first post will be on the first Saturday of the month. It will be about the latest news relating to nationalism in India. 

The second post will be on the second Saturday of the month. It will be about Indian nationalism but not related to current events. I will write about Indian culture, history, religion and politics in general from a nationalist perspective. 

The third post will be on the third Saturday of the month. It will be about the latest news relating to nationalism in any South Asian nation - which includes Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. This is so that I can focus on India's neighbourhood. 

The fourth post will be on the fourth Saturday of the month. It will be about the latest news relating to nationalism in any country outside of South Asia. This is so I can focus on the world as a whole. 

The fifth and final post will be on the fourth and last Sunday of the month. In it I will write a summary of the previous posts I've written in the month. 

 If you are a nationalist from any corner of the world, and especially if you are an Indian nationalist, I hope you enjoy the blog Global Nationalism.

 If Nationalists are United, then Nationalism will Stand. If we are Divided, then Nationalism will Fall. 

 Thank you for reading.

Vande Mataram.

I also have a Youtube Channel titled Global Nationalism where I make videos on the same topics that I have written about. 

This is the link to the channel

I have made a video titled Introduction to the Channel


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